Wednesday, February 18, 2009



I'd like to introduce myself as this new blog gets started. My name is Doug. I'm married to a great girl. She's the love of my life and the only girl for me. I have no doubt that God placed her in my life and that we will go through life together "until death do us part." We had been married for many years when we found out that she was pregnant with our first child. That child was born and is now 7, in 1st grade, and making us both very proud for how well he is doing in school and crazy for being 7 and in his own little world. But, he's 7 and that's just how 7 year olds are. We're just glad that God chose to give him to us.

As you can probably tell, God is very important to me and my family. I'm the pastor of a small Southern Baptist Church. I don't pretend to know what He has in store for me and my family, but I will say that allowing God to be the leader of my life makes things much more adventurous, fun, and fulfilling.

I decided to start this blog for several reasons. One idea is to talk about events in the news and in the world that catch my attention that I want to express my opinion on. When I do share my opinion on things it is exactly that, my opinion. I don't post anything to start arguments or to make anyone feel bad. I'm only sharing what I think about things. I fully admit that my opinions are slanted. My thoughts are filtered through my beliefs in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and what I believe the Bible, God's holy word, says about various events. So, don't let my ideas shock you. Do feel free to ask questions if you don't understand my point of view. Don't expect me to argue with you. I'll share my beliefs but have no interest in arguing.

Another reason for this blog is to share my love of turning wood. I have two lathes and love to make logs into round pieces of functional art. Included in the items I turn are pens, platters, bowls, goblets, boxes, etc. As you see pictures of the various pieces, you'll begin to understand what I see and feel in the wood that I work with. Another turning buddy made a statement that I agree with completely. God created the wood. As a turner, my job is to expose what God has already put there. He gets the credit for making the beauty. I use the gifts He has given me to open the wood and allow the beauty of God's creation to shine before the eyes of man.

Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction. I hope you'll check back in from time to time to see what is new. Feel free to ask any question you might have. If you see a turning you particularly like, make sure you contact me. I turn for the love of the wood. I can continue only because a piece or two sells once in a while. Whether you purchase any of my work or not, your questions and comments are always welcome.

Hope you enjoy your time here,
Doug Miller

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