Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Has the World Gone Nuts?

Last night we tuned in and listened to the President give was most will agree was a great speech. Later, I found myself asking what did he say. What I heard was a bunch of campaign promises that I'd heard before. The rest was mostly rhetoric that really didn't say anything of any substance. I was confused as to what he really wanted was trying to accomplish with the whole thing. I was really wondering if it was just me or if I heard, or didn't hear as the case may be, what I thought. The anchor on the news later agreed with me. There was a lot of fluff and not a lot of anything else. There was double talk and running around the issues that he, himself, brought up. But there were no solutions offered.

Tonight we were there in Bible study @ church. I was leading the study of the Parable of the Talents. We took that passage and began to talk about being stewards of what God has given us. The most important point though was God asks us to be stewards of His Word. The Bible and its contents are what tell us of eternal life that is given to us by Jesus, God in the flesh. The Bible tells us the truth of God's love for us, how He worked through His chosen people and brought the world to the point that Jesus was born. It tell us of the temptations of Jesus and how he resisted every single one so that he could be the PERFECT sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.

Take a moment to watch this video, please.
Pretty impressive that an avowed atheist knows that we have a story of truth to share.

Made me think a bit when I first saw this video.
Who do I love enough to tell the story of Jesus to?
Who do I hate so much that I won't tell them about Jesus?
Am I going to talk in circles and make folks think I gave a good speech, a la President Obama, or am I going to be loving and daring enough to share the truth about the love of Jesus Christ?

What about you?

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