Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quit Fussing and Get to Building

Today's sermon suggested that we let the petty things in life become our major focus. When we do, we take our eyes of God and His plan. I'm reminded that I am called to focus on Him alone. If we focus on Him, we'll be ready and available to serve Him when He calls on us. How rewarding could that be? I want to find out. Do you?

1 Corinthians 3, Paul gets on the church pretty hard. When he was there with them he understood that they were new to the Christian life and he fed them spiritual milk. Time has passed and although he thought they should have graduated to more solid food, the indicators were that they were still spiritual babies. What were they doing? They were fussing and quarreling over who the preacher was when they came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For what ever reason, some bragged that Paul was preaching, while others bragged that Apollos or Peter. Can you imagine?

Being in a minister's home all my life, I heard a lot of preachers. I always enjoyed my dad's preaching. In fact, for a year heard him preach every Sunday. He resigned to show Billy Graham films all over Florida. During that year I heard Billy Graham present the Gospel many times. I actually felt I needed to have a personal relationship with Jesus while hearing the pastor who followed my dad in that little mission church.

Who was responsible? Actually none of those pastors. Not one of them could save my soul. It was only the work of the Holy Spirit in my life that brought me to the realization that I needed a personal relationship with Jesus. God used those men whom He had called to proclaim His message to urge me, teach me, and encourage me. But it only be accepting what Jesus did for us on the cross that we can receive the hope of life in Heaven for all eternity.

What could happen if God's people would keep the main thing, the main thing?
What would happen if the church would make an intentional effort to not fuss or quarrel about petty things?
Would the church make a greater impact on the world around us?
Would the world around us hear the Gospel more easily?
Could we be more effective, more efficient as we attempt to share Jesus with the world?

I believe that is exactely what Paul was trying to say. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, put our petty differences aside, and get to work doing what God has called us to.

"Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them all the things I have taught you."

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